Tie New Order To ShipStation Via Zapier

In this article, we will walk you through the steps of tying a new order to ShipStation via Zapier. 

  1. Once you're logged into your Zapier, you will see this page. From here, you'll click 'Make a Zap!'

  2. Choose 'Webhooks' as the first trigger.
  3. Next, choose 'Catch Hook'.
  4. They will give you a URL from here - just copy that.
  5. Next, you'll want to hop back over to Bottle. Once in your Dashboard, find the 'Rules' tab and create a new Invoice Rule.
  6. For your IFs, add: +Add "Paid"
  7. Add another IF: '+Add "Delivery Type". Once you add this IF, click 'ship' for the type.
  8. Next, it's time to choose your THENs. For the then, choose 'Send to Zapier Webhook'. Once you have this up, paste the URL that you copied earlier into the box.
  9. Now, switch back over to Zapier and click 'OK I did this'. The site will then wait for a test ping from Bottle. From here, you'll go back over to Bottle and click "Test Endpoint". Then, choose the hook that's received and hit Continue.
  10. Next, you'll add a step. Click 'Add one now!'.
  11. You'll be able to choose your Action App from here. Search for ShipStation and choose ShipStation as your app.
  12. From here, you'll click "Create Order", continue, then click "Connect an Account".
  13. In ShipStation, go to your account -> API Settings -> under API Keys you'll see your API key and secret listed.
  14. Copy and paste those values into the pop-up that opened from Zapier.
  15. Click Save and Continue.
  16. Now, time to fill in the template:
    • ShipStation Store: choose the "store" in ShipStation
    • Order #: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[id]
    • Order Status: select Awaiting Shipment
    • Unique ID: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[id]
    • Order Date: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[Created at]
    • Buyer Name: click the variable box on the right, and find Display Name
    • Payment Date: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[Transacted date]
    • Buyer Email: click the variable box on the right, and find Email
    • Recipient Name: click the variable box on the right, and find Display Name
    • Recipient Address 1: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[Address1]
    • Recipient Address 2: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[Address2]
    • Recipient City: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[city]
    • Recipient State: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[state]
    • Recipient Postal Code: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[zip]
    • Recipient Phone Number: click the variable box on the right, and find Phone Raw
    • Amount Paid: click the variable box on the right, and find Order[Total]
    Scroll down, hit save and continue.
  17. Last step! Name your Zap and turn it on!

You should be good to go from here!

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