Adding automatic fulfillment reminders to delivery options

Bottle supports sending automatic fulfillment reminders the day before the scheduled fulfillment and also the day of the scheduled fulfillment. It sends these reminders to everyone who has a valid, paid, non-refunded order with the specific fulfillment option that you've added the reminders for. When Bottle sends these messages, it sends emails to people who have chosen email as their preference and SMS to people who have SMS as their preference.

  • The day-before reminders go out at 3pm the day before fulfillment.
  • The day-of reminders go out at 8am the day of fulfillment. 

Add automatic fulfillment reminders:

  1. Go to your Bottle -> Dashboard -> "Products + Checkout"
  2. Click on "Delivery Options"
  3. Click "Edit" next to a delivery option
  4. Scroll down and you'll see two text boxes - one for day-before reminders and one for day-of reminder
  5. If you add text to these boxes, it will automatically send these reminders for anyone with a valid, paid, non-refunded order with this delivery option selected.
  6. Click "Save"

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