How to email first time customers

Sometimes you'd like to send special instructions to the customer after they place their first order with you. This article will explain exactly how to do that.

Video Overview:

How to email first time customers:

  1. Go to the Dashboard -> Rules
  2. Scroll down and click on "New Invoice Rule"
  3. In the top-right corner of the new rule, go to "Ifs"
  4. Click "Add Paid" (this means the rule will trigger when the order is paid for)
    1. Click "Save"
  5. Go back to the top-right dropdown, select "Ifs" again
  6. Click "Add Has Paid You X Times" (this is the number of times the customer has now paid you)
    1. Enter 1
    2. Click "Save"
  7. You're now looking at the Thens action options.
  8. Click "Send Email"
    1. Enter the email address - in this case, using the Bottle replacement variables, you want to put in the customer's email address using {{{email}}}
    2. Enter a subject
    3. Enter the body of the message
    4. Click "Save"
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