How To Add Emails To Mailchimp
It's a great idea to add new customers to your MailChimp. Setting this up is quite simple.
Video Overview:
How to add customers' emails to MailChimp:
- Go to the Dashboard -> Rules
- Scroll down and click on "New Invoice Rule"
- In the top-right corner of the new rule, go to "Ifs"
- Click "Add Paid" (this means the rule will trigger when the order is paid for)
- Click "Add Condition"
- Go back to the top-right dropdown, select "Ifs" again
- Click "Add Has Paid You X Times" (this is the number of times the customer has now paid you)
- Enter 1
- Click "Save"
- You're now looking at the Thens action options.
- Click "Add to Mailchimp List"
- Enter the email address - in this case, using the Bottle replacement variables, you want to put in the customer's email address using {{{email}}}
- Enter your Mailchimp API Token (found under your Mailchimp account)
- Enter the list ID of the list you'd like to add the customer to (also found under your Mailchimp account)
- Click "Save"
- You're all done!
Adding new signups to a Mailchimp list.
- Go to the Dashboard -> Rules
- Scroll down and click on "New Subscription Rule"
- In the top-right corner of the new rule, go to "Ifs"
- You do not need to add any Ifs here. This will only trigger when a customer creates a new plan.
- In the top-right corner, go back to the "Thens"
- Click "Add to Mailchimp List"
- Enter the email address - in this case, using the Bottle replacement variables, you want to put in the customer's email address using {{{email}}}
- Enter your Mailchimp API Token (found under your Mailchimp account)
- Enter the list ID of the list you'd like to add the customer to (also found under your Mailchimp account)
- Click "Save"
- You're all done!