How to cancel active plans for customers who have not ordered in X days
Sometimes you want to schedule a rule that cancels all active subscriptions. This rule will target customers who have ordered before but who haven't ordered in a certain amount of time. This will be done as a scheduled rule.
How to cancel active plans for customers who have not ordered in X days:
- From the 'Scheduled' tab, create a 'New Scheduled Rule'.
- For your IFs you will use 'IF has not paid you in X days' and 'IF has paid you at least X times'.
- For the X in the first IF, determine the number of days after the last order you'd like the rule to trigger to cancel subscriptions.
- For the X in the second IF, select "1". So 'IF has paid you at least 1 time'.
Now, you should be looking at all of the THEN's.
- Find and click on the "Cancel Active Plans" THEN, then click "Save".
NOTE: for this rule, we recommend doing it before the end of your hard cutoff. This is because it takes the literal X most recent orders, so if you're into a new week, and the customer hasn't skipped yet, then the rule will fail as False. - Check the box "Send to All Contacts" (since this is a rule, this means it will execute the rule against each of your contact's account with you - if they meet the criteria of the IF, then they'll receive the THEN action).
- In "When to Send", fill out a time of the first time you'd like to execute the rule for everyone.
NOTE: for this rule, we recommend doing it before the end of your hard cutoff. This is because it takes the literal X most recent orders, so if you're into a new week, and the customer hasn't skipped yet, then the rule will fail as False. - In "Send Frequency", choose an interval if you'd like this scheduled message to keep recurring.
- Click "Save".
You should now see the pending rule set to execute in the list of scheduled actions under your account.