Downloading Reports From Activity

Bottle provides various reports that can be downloaded in the Activity tab. This article outlines each of the reports and the information they provide. 

What is the Activity Tab?

The activity tab provides a snapshot of orders and order volume for a set period of time. 

Video Overview:

Downloading Reports from The Activity Tab:

  1. Click on the time frame for the reports you'd like to view. 
  2. Choose which report you'd like to download
  • Orders Excel File: Provides a summary of all orders and details for each individual order
  • Products Excel File: Provides a breakdown of the different variants selected for each order. 
  • Packing PDF: In a single document, provides packing slips for each order. 
  • Invoices: In a single PDF, provides invoices for each order. 
  • Kitchen List: In a single document, provides a consolidated summary of each order. 

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