IF a refund was issued, THEN send the customer a message.

This rule is great if you want to automate messaging a customer when a refund is issued to them. The best way to automate this process is to set up a rule. Below we list the directions on how to properly set up this rule.

Video Overview:

How to send a message after refund was issued:

  1. From your Dashboard, find the 'Rules' tab.
  2. Scroll to the 'Invoice Rules' section and select 'New Invoice Rule'.
  3. In the IFs, find '+ Add "Refunded"'.
  4. From there, select then THENs.
  5. Once in the THENs, find 'Send Message'.
  6. You can personalize the message you would like to send to your customers after a refund is issued.
  7. Make sure to hit save! This rule is now created.

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