Add tags, attributes and guests to a conversation

Tags, attributes and guests are three features of Bottle Chat found in the Customer Profile. 

Video Overview:

What are tags and how can I use them?

  1. Tags can be added to a conversation under info in the customer profile. 
  2. Tags are typically descriptors that let you identify the customer as part of a larger segment. 
  3. For example, a tag of "Employee" would let you sort and find any employees with that tag. 
  4. You can send scheduled messages to contacts with a specific tag. 
  5. You can also search by tag in the search bar in the Bottle Messenger. 

What are attributes and how can I use them?

  1. Attributes let you create specific characteristics to define a customer. 
  2. For example, you may want to create a key called "City" with a specific value of "New York". 
  3. You can then use attributes in rules or as part of a message. 
  4. Using the above example, you might create a message using the above attribute. "Hey there - how is the weather in {{{city}}}?". The recipient would then receive the message as "Hey there - how is the weather in New York". 

What are guests to a conversation?

  1. You can add guests to a conversation. 
  2. When a guest is added to a conversation, they are added to the conversation. 
  3. Guests will receive messages and be able to respond to messages with the recipient.
  4. Adding Guests is similar to creating a group message. 
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